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Born Losers Guitar Tabs Sheet Book

Born Losers Guitar Tabs Sheet Book

ราคาปกติ $14.44 USD
ราคาปกติ ราคาโปรโมชัน $14.44 USD
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Born Losers are an American punk/straight rock'n'roll band from Central Florida. Headed by the infamous Tracey Blades, the band formed in 2018 from a collection of crooning punx rawk deviants who met in life's greenroom. #LAMF

The Losers wanted a guitar tab book set up like this and they were no longer being sold. After printing and stapling sheets together for multiple practices in a row, laurameghan made them this, and now is making it available to you.

This beautiful guitar tab book is made for musicians of all skill levels. A variety of 6 different sheet variations will be all your need for recording your tablature.

Cover Design